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St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School

We Grow, Learn and Achieve by following Christ.

Welcome to

St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School

We Grow, Learn and Achieve by following Christ.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school." Albert Einstein
“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” Margaret Mead
"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." Malcolm X
“The soul is healed by being with children.” Fyodor Dostoyevsky


The Senior Leader responsible for overseeing attendance is

Mr Sean Buyers, Head of School.


Our Welfare Officer is Mrs Pat Brady

Attendance and Punctuality 

“Parents can be fined for taking their child on holiday during term time without consent from the school.” DfE website


If your child is absent due to illness, please call the absence line and leave a message, on each morning of the absence. If the school considers the level of attendance to be of concern we will request medical evidence for each absence in order to avoid each missed session being marked as unauthorised. “Headteachers have the discretion to grant leave, but they should only do so in exceptional circumstances. If a Headteacher grants a leave request, it will be for them to determine the length of time that the child can be away from school”. This leave is unlikely, however, to be granted for the purposes of a family holiday.

Parents will need to complete an absence request form which is available from the school office.


Morning Register are taken at 8:50am. If your child is not present, they will be marked 'late.'


Afternoon Register is taken at 1pm. 


It is MOST important that the children are able to begin their day calmly and on time. Registration takes place immediately when pupils have entered the classroom. This is often the time when teachers give them notices and information. We thank all those parents whose children are on time. If your child is late, their lateness may be marked as unauthorised for that session. The Educational Welfare Officer tracks any late arrivals to check for patterns of poor punctuality; those families causing concern will be contacted to arrange a formal meeting.

Persistent absence from school is a serious problem. Research quoted on the DfE website shows that;

  • Of pupils who miss more than 50 per cent of school, only three per cent manage to achieve five A* to Cs including English and maths.
  • Of pupils who miss between 10 per cent and 20 per cent of school, only 35 per cent manage to achieve five A* to C GCSEs including English and maths.
  • Of pupils who miss less than five per cent of school, 73 per cent achieve five A* to Cs including English and maths

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House Points

  • St Aidan
  • St Jeanne Antide
  • St Ambrose
  • St Bernadette
  • St Damien
  • St Catherine
Welcome to St Vincent's Catholic Primary School. We are incredibly proud of our outstanding Catholic school with its inspirational and ambitious curriculum. Enjoy having a look at all we have to offer on our website and we look forward to meeting you.