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St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School

We Grow, Learn and Achieve by following Christ.

Welcome to

St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School

We Grow, Learn and Achieve by following Christ.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school." Albert Einstein
“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” Margaret Mead
"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." Malcolm X
“The soul is healed by being with children.” Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Any pupil or parent who would like to contact us regarding a worry or concern, can email the designated safeguarding lead and deputies at:

The Designated Safeguarding Lead  (DSL)

Mr Sean Buyers - Telephone - 0208 992 6625



 Deputy DSL's  

Mrs Monica McCarthy , Mrs Pat Brady, Mrs Claire Hatfield (


Chair of Governors


Mrs Evadne Cookman / Ms Marcella Phelan ( /


What is Safeguarding?


Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.


The current definition of Safeguarding (Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023) is:

  • protecting children from maltreatment;
  • preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development
  • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and
  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes


Child protection is part of the safeguarding process. It focuses on protecting individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. This includes child protection procedures which detail how to respond to concerns about a child.

Safeguarding children and child protection guidance and legislation applies to all children up to the age of 18.


The Prevent Strategy


Prevent is the government's counter-terrorism strategy. It aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. ... provides practical help to prevent individuals from being drawn into terrorism and ensure they are given appropriate advice and support.

St Vincent's is part of the ARISE (Anti-Radicalisation In Schools in Ealing) committee.

Punctuality and Attendance

You must ensure that your child arrives at school at the correct time. Our gates open for a ‘soft start’ at 8:30am and we encourage our children to come in as close to this time as possible so that they can settle into the school day. All children must be in school by 8:50am.

Children who are persistently late who have poor attendance records fall behind with their work and this can create other challenges, both academically and socially.

If your child is absent from school for any reason it is essential that you provide us with an adequate explanation, either by phone, email or written note. otherwise the absence will be recorded as ‘unauthorised’. We are required to publish details of unauthorised absences and this reflects poorly on the school.

Those families whose child is persistently late or absent will be referred to the Local Authority Educational Social Welfare Officers.

Absences for reasons other than illness are not normally permitted except in very special circumstances which must be authorised by the Headteacher. Holidays in term time are NOT permitted.  Children out of the country during term time could have their names removed from the school roll.


Health and Welfare

Your child will normally have a medical in the first year when s/he enters school. Please ensure that you take the opportunity to attend with them. The school nurse will be happy to discuss any concerns. Later in their school life, the school nurse will check sight, hearing and rate of growth.

Dental checks are made once a year. You are advised, however, to also take your child to your own dentist.

Medicines are not administered in school except supervising an inhaler for asthma, or emergency situations such as administering adrenaline during an anaphylactic attack. The staff are not insured to administer antibiotics or pills, so it is unfair to ask them to do so.

You will be required to complete a medical form as part of the admission process.


The best place for a sick child is at home. Children who have had an accident or are taken ill at school are seen by one of our Welfare team who are qualified first-aiders. If it is thought that a child needs further medical treatment or is unfit to be in school, parents are notified immediately.

It is vital that parents supply the school with up-to-date home address, telephone number and work details. You should also nominate someone else as a contact if there are times when you are unavailable.

We do not administer any medicines unless your child is on long term medication.  For some children, extra support is needed and, in agreement with parents/carers, the school may request an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).  Children who need to use inhalers should be shown by their parents how to use them. All inhalers should be clearly labelled and given to a member of staff who will supervise their use. Children with allergies who have epi-pens must discuss procedures with a member of the welfare staff.  The designated Governor responsible for Child Protection is Ms Marcella Phelan.


Child Protection

We have a duty to ensure our children are not at risk from abuse. We will follow all statutory guidelines if a disclosure of abuse is made and make contact with ECIRS (Ealing Child Integrated Response Service)  and/or Ealing Children protection advisors as and when necessary. Your child’s safety and well being are our first concern.   

The designated officers for Child Protection are Mrs M McCarthy (Head Teacher / Designated Safeguarding Lead) and in her absence, Mr S Buyers ( Deputy Head Teacher) and in his absence, Mrs C Hatfield (Assistant Head Teacher) and Mrs Pat Brady(Attendance/Welfare)


Feeling Vulnerable?

The school is committed to supporting children, parents and carers to apply for Free School Meals and direct them to other agencies for financial, respite or housing support.  We can also provide support in many other ways and ask that you contact us if you need any support.

The school has a trained Learning Mentor who supports children through difficult and challenging times caused by bereavement, separation, divorce or any other family issues. Please contact the school for support at any time.


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House Points

  • St Aidan
  • St Jeanne Antide
  • St Ambrose
  • St Bernadette
  • St Damien
  • St Catherine
Welcome to St Vincent's Catholic Primary School. We are incredibly proud of our outstanding Catholic school with its inspirational and ambitious curriculum. Enjoy having a look at all we have to offer on our website and we look forward to meeting you.